Saturday, 28 January 2012

Day 28 - Fluffy

Today Fiona got a lovely pair of slippers from her Grandma which She got for £3.00 in the M & S sale.  They are trimmed and lined with Fluffy sheepskin like material

Friday, 27 January 2012

Day 27 - Amazing

Hmmm today's prompt is something which is amazing in your life right now. Well I am cheating a bit now in that I didnt take this picture today, in fact I took it last summer,its not even a great picture of them but its one of the only ones I have on my camera and its made me realise I need to take more of them. Its an picture of my Mum and Dad taken whilst we were having a coastal stroll in Northumberland last summer in a lovely little village Low Newton by the Sea. I think they are amazing, they have always been there for me and my kids no matter what and in the years since my rather painful separation and divorce they have provided backup, strength, hankies to mop up the tears and a gin and tonic or two along the way when needed. They are amazing to me and I treasure each moment they are here with me.

Day 26 - Free Choice

Today Suzie gave us a free choice of what to photo for her prompt - as she said there will be a few of these thrown in when she cant think of something.

I was pleased though as it gave me this opportunity to post this picture of DD and her friend when they went to see a production of Grease at the Kings in Glasgow. After the show they hovered about by the stage door to get their picture taken with "Danny"

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Day 24 - Motion

An easy One for me today, Fi my lovely daughter doing her new Davina McCall workout DVD. She refused to be photographed from the front with no make up on lol.

Day 23 Hot

Running a Day late with this one. Very hot pot of freshly made coffee. I make umpteen pots a day for my caffeine fiends who are Mo and Kenny my two lovely bosses.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Day 22 - Glowing

Well I couldnt think at all what I would use for today's photo, then I was driving to a local craft shop and had to put my sunglasses on because surprise surprise the sun was out so I jumped out of the car and snapped a quick pic on my phone of it glowing away in the sky

Day 21 - fire

Okay bit predictable but here is my fire photo, I dont have a working fire anymore so here is a picture of my Mum and Dads electric fire glowing away merrily

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Day 19 - Bad for You

Well after yesterday's pleasurable prompt I suppose it should have been obvious this is the one Suzie would have picked for today.

I could have gone with the obvious food or drink related one but decided to have a go at making a word cloud with wordle of things I feel are bad for me as they make me unhappy and feel bad

I printed it off and took a picture but I think it could have been clearer but here it is

Day 18 - Pleasurable

An easy one for me today :)

What is pleasurable - why scrapping and crafting - especially with friends. What better way to chill out after the stresses of a day or week at work than playing with pretty paper and embellishments. And oh how pleasurable it is when a pristine new kit arrives just begging to be cut up and made into a gorgeous layout. My latest and unfortunately for the moment last Gottacraft kit packed full of MME Kraft Funday papers - most of which will be destined to end up in my Photo Fifty album. Great pleasure indeed

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Day 17 - Naughty

Hmmmm was a bit stuck with this one and was head scratching for a bit. In the end had to go with a pic of my furry one - Spike the Wondercat! He is a little angel most of the time but he has a naughty side to him which mostly involves diving in and eating things that he shouldnt. He also refuses to drink nice clean water from his bowl and prefers puddles etc. Here he is sipping water from an ancient old planter in a weedy corner of the garden yuck!

Look at that face - the picture of innocence - NOT!

January Week 2 layout

This week I have used all seven of the photos from the 365+1 photo challenge. I did a 12 x 12 layout for this week and did mine as the UKS weekly challenge.  This was a good week culminating with a great weekend friend Heathers so it.was.nice to have it  fully docuemted.

I might tinker with this page a bit though as its lacking a certain something but I havent worked out what yet!

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Day 15 - Generous

These prompts by Suzie are great for getting the old Grey matter going.

My picture today was taken during the weekends cropping and is of my.lovely friend Heather.  She is Generous in spirit, generous
sharing her scrapping knowledge and stash and Generous with her hospitality.  Thanks Heather for a lovely weekend.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Day 14 - Guilty Pleasures we are at the end.of.week 2, so far so good and Im managing to keep up so far.

Again as Im away for the weekend how apt is todays prompt. Julie has brought one of her famous carrot cakes to the crop so here is my guilty pleasure

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Day 13 - Inside Your Fridge

Well I have to say this was an appropriate one for me.  Theres nothing very exciting inside my fridge but as I arrived at my lovely friend Heathers for a weekend of scrapping, chatting and generally having a good time then here's a piccy of inside hers. Spot the box of the Pink stuff - well thats standard scrapping stuff for us - oils the wheels of creativity dont you know!

Well Im hoping to strike it lucky with another appropriate prompt for tomorrow as we will be cropping with friends all day and hopeully I will be scrapping my January Week 2 for my album.

Day 12 - Translucent

Well at first I thought eh! Then I remembered whilst sorting out stash for my album I had spied these three wee glassine envelopes from a quirky kit. Perfect!

Day 11 - clothing

Todays prompt was clothing.  My picture is jeans. Although i work in admin out office is a unit in an industrial estate and i sometimes end up on site so jeans are worn daily

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

day 10 - Metal

Hmmm well this one had me scratching my head a bit. Not that there is any shortage of metal/metallic things I could have photographed but Im struggling a bit as I want to take photos which i can incorporate in my photo fifty album.i was pondering away this evening after work when myceye caught my wee pogo printer. Ha I thought perfect, its metal and when I eventually track down where I have carefully put the lead for the little blighter I will be using it to print some of the photos for my album. So there you go my take on the prompt metal.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Day 9 - Water

The prompt for today was water. Rather than photograph the rather boring water bottle on my desk I wandered round the back of our industrial unit at work to the wee burn and snapped a quick pic. Not the prettiest of water scenes but there you go

Day 8 - Cosy

This is my photo for Sunday 8 January - the prompt for Sunday was cosy.

Had to search about a bit for this one then my eye landed on this cowl which I knitted at the end of last year from lovely soft chunky wool - it is very cosy

Photo Fifty ALbum Intro Page & First Week of January

I thought I would let you see my introduction page and my page for the first week in January.

I did the first January page as the Weekly challenge on UKS so I had to use old stash, circles and doodling. Im not completely happy with the page so might tinker about with it a bit

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Day 7 - Drink

Well day 7 already thats one week down, only 51 to go!

Suzie's prompt today is drink so here is a picture of my favourite drink of the day my morning cup of tea in my favourite mug. I go nuts if my dear daughter has squirelled it up to her room.  My cuppa tastes best in this mug.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Day 6 -Frost!!

Well what an apt prompt for a very frosty morning here in Scotland. Only problem is by the time I got to work, got sorted out, looked at the prompt - all the frost had vanished. That'll teach me to miss a photo opportunity because as I left the house to get into the car I thought to myself how pretty everything looked. Well there you go - lesson learned.

So as Suzie had said if you had no actual frost to snap then find something frosty. Hmmmmm what to do, I did look inside my freezer and contemplated taking a picture of the frostiness gathering in there but then my eye alighted on my square glass vase which is filled with a mixture of sand and sea glass collected from the beach at Beadnell - you can guess where the blog name comes from now eh!!

So my "frost" for you today is a picture of my seaglass - plain boring glass worn smooth and frosted by being pummelled by the waves and knocked onto the shore - one of my favourite things and I rarely come away from the beach without at least one precious piece in my pocket.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Day 5 - Excitement

Well finally I am blogging on the correct day

Well today's prompt was excitement

Here is my picture. What's so exciting about that I hear you cry. Well when you are in the middle of a Scottish winter like we are the flash of sun and a blue sky is the epitome of excitement let me tell you. So there you go my take on the prompt of excitement. Picture taken round the back of the office building during lunchtime today

Day 4 - Pretty

Hello I am still blogging a day behind. The prompt for today was pretty. Whilst sitting at work catching up after the holidays and debating the hideous weather we are having my eye caught my polka dot cup and saucer on my desk. I decided this was my pretty for today. It cheers me up to have a cup of tea from this now and again rather than my rather plain usual mug.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

365 Photo Challenge - Day 3

Suzie's prompt for Day 3 was ugly.

Well the weather in Scotland at the moment and all over the Christmas period could definately be described as ugly, constantly cold, rain and wind. The wind was so strong the other night here are bits of my roof tiles lying in the garden - the bill for fixing that will be ugly too no doubt!!

Monday, 2 January 2012

365+1 Day 2

Well day 2 and Suzies prompt is "new" she was thinking along the Lines of a New present or similar I think.

Heres my take on it.  Its part of the introduction page for my Photo Fifty album.  The journalling reads that life for me didnt begin at 40 and that I hope it does at 50.  I hope that turning 50 is a new beginning for me.  So thats my take on todays prompt.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

365 photo challenge - Day 1

Well here we are at the 1st of January 2012.

Suzie has posted the first prompt which is aptly "celebrate".

I took this.pic.of my daughter Fiona and her boyfriend Gary just after.midnight. dont you just love Lee and Ian clowning about in the background - not!

Best.of.luck with this.challenge everyone.and Thanks to Suzie for organising it